BEAUTY session | Gentle contour and highlight

EN| Hello and Welcome in new rubric Beauty session !
This rubric will be about tips - tutorials - how I use beauty products ... Well, let's go read an article: how to contour and highlight your face .

SK| Ahoj, vitaj v novej rubrike "Beauty session" !
Táto rubrika bude o tipoch - návodoch - produktoch ktoré používam...  V tomto článku sa dozvieš čo potrebuješ na jemné kontúrovanie tváre  za pomoci lacných produktov. Preto nemusíš investovať do kontúrovacej paletky ktorá stojí najmenej 20€. 

At first you need these products :
Potrebuješ tieto produkty : 
  1. Cream (Mixa anti-redness cream) | podkladový krém
  2. Foundation (I used bb cream) | make-up (ja som použila bb krém)
  3. Bronzer | bronzér
  4. Primer ( Catrice prime and fine: illuminating base) | rozjasňovač
  5. Powder | púder
  • Apply the cream on the whole face (if you have dry skin)
  • After that - apply foundation on your cheekbones,nose, above jaws, in middle of forehead and chin.
  • (1) Highlighting : apply illuminating base under eyes, nose, forehead  under nose.
  • (2.)Next is bronzer - contouring - mix bronzer with foundation and put it on cheeks and edges of face (forehead, side of nose, jaws, chin, under lips).
  • At first blend lighter places on your face and then you gradually shift to darker places. Blend it everything.
  • Put powder on and you are done! 
  • Nanes krém na celú tvár (pokiaľ máš suchú pleť)
  • Potom nanes make-up na lícne kosti, na nos, na stred čela, nad sánku, na stred brady
  • (1.)Takisto nanes aj rozjasňovač hlavne pod oči, na lícne kosti nos a čelo
  • (2.)Na okraje tvári zmiešaj bronzér + make-upom (aby sme mali tmavší odtieň) - okraj čela, sánky, brady, boky nosu, pod perou
  • Rozotri najskôr bledšiu časť a potom prejdi k tmavšej .
  • Nakoniec nanes púder a ak chceš (2.)zvýrazni ešte líca s bronzérom

365 days of Yoga Challenge | day 23

EN| I think building strength is important - every process further depending on the strength. If you want to do handstand you must have power in your arms and belly. Lots of poses depending in power of belly! This core strength exercise which I do this week is like a good basis !

SK| Budovanie sily je veľmi dôležíté - každý nový posun vpred zavisí na sile. Ak chceš robiť napríklad stojku musíš mať silu v rukách aj v bruchu. Veľa póz zavisí od sily v bruchu - či je dostatočne spevnené .. Preto toto cvičenie, ktoré cvičím tento týždeň je dobré ako základ, ktorý ťa posunie v pred.  
source: pinterest

23th day of Y.CH.


Night: exercises from magazine | Core building routine

YOGA | Christmas yoga presents

EN| Yes, how you can see, I've got new stuff for yoga and exercise.I love these bright colours of these goods. An yoga mat is something what you really need, I actually have one in grey colour, which was my first one.
I wished Yoga dumbbells for some time and now I have these 0,5kg heavy. As you might have noticed they have orange colour which I like on sporting goods but on normal things like décor, clothing I hate bright colour like orange or green:D.

Favourite season

Festive season is coming !  I think Christmas is my favourite season in year. We burned last candle  on advent wrest, we eat 22th chocolate treat from advent calendar and we also decorated Chritmas tree!
What do you say to my diy advent wrest ?

Interior - bedroom corner

My bed - new winter bedding to feel more cosy ! 

JOURNAL | Shopping with Friend

 Happy second Advent ! I can't wait for Christmas, my awesome mood is only because everybody talking about it when I read all articles and watch that vlogmas on yt. 
In these pictures is -M and me from couple months ago. We were inlove with that highheels ! omg they were so pretty - I really love blue colour.  Unfortunately, my purse wasn't full enough, because of #studentlife.
Last picture is on my profile picture on Instagram check it out!  Also I have in sidebar new insta gadget.

SK| Dnes začína už druhý adventý týždeň! Moja Vianočná nálada je stále väčšia a každým dňom sa neviem dočkať Vianoc na ktoré nepretržito čakám. 
Na týchto fotkách je moja kamarátka -M. a ja, ktoré boli fotené pred pár mesiacmi. Veľmi sa nám páčili tieto topánky na podpätku  a mne aj ten trenčkot, do ktorého som sa hneď zamilovala. No bohužiaľ moja peňaženká nebola dostatočne plná na to by som si ich mohla kúpiť #studentlife.
Poslednú fotku možno poznáte z môjho Instagramu, ktorú mám na profilovke, takže určite čeknite! 
A taktiež mám v bočnom menu nový insta gadget kde môžte vidieť najnovšie fotky.

 xoxo -T!

STYLE | Feeling Festive !

Hello in beautiful December ! Finally, this cosy month started /yesterday/ and I wore this festive outfit today. For me these colours are very Christmassy - green and red are colours how to feel in this way - aren't they?

This olive green sweater cost me only 8€, it was really good purchase in C&A, also in sale I bought these perfect high-waisted jeans for 8€,too. Are you happy about low prices in shops as I am ?

SK| Nastal slávnostný decembrový čas a práve dnes, som sa cítila veľmi Vianočne. Tento outfit má tie  pestré farby, ktoré by som si za iných okolností nedala na seba. Lenže je čas Vianoc a zeleno-červená paleta farieb vystihuje toto obdobie najviac.

Tento olivovo-zelený sveter mám z C&A za 8€, čo je super cena. Taktiež aj moje obľúbené rifle s vysokým pásom za 8€ - zľavy sú super pokiaľ viete v nich nakupovať  /čo mne sa stáva veľmi málo/. Určite uvítate aj vy super nízke ceny v obchodoch. Radi nakupujete vo výpredajoch ? 


coat, zara  | shirt, mango | sweater,  c&a | jeans, bershka |

xoxo -T


Yes I am ˝living in˝grey colour - it's my favourite, easy combinable and easy wear. This shade/colour (doesn't matter it is called) is immortal. You should own grey pieces of clothes in your wardrobe. I really like to see autumn burgundy(my bag) or dark green... with grey-black-white.

Hello ! How you enjoying this weekend ? I was chilling all day yeasterday, becouse i was in school danceball and i was dancing all friday night.
Today i wear shades of grey and little bit of beige. Love this combinatio

Mum's turtle-neck // Necklaces, Mango // Coat, Shein // Trousers, Mango //  Bag and Shoes, Baťa //
See you soon!