STYLE GUIDE | Alexander Wang boots

Perfect Boots are necessary!  Today I found my 'PERFECT BOOTS' ... I know they are too expensive for me, I know that I can't afford to buy these boots.. But they are so perfect that I imagine I wore that shoes whole winter ..
This kind of shoes are must have this season - and they will be special forever! Remember, quality is more than quantity. When I buy something, I  try to think about product quality (probably because of it 
How to style them ?

   Perfect details on heels..


STYLE | Most comfortable pants

EN| On Thursday we had vine tasting in our village, yup it was the biggest event at the end of summer, so with my classmates we couldn't miss it ! It was beautiful sunny day and my outfit was perfect for the hot weather outside.
These culottes are the most comfortable pants ever!  You should buy them, they are stylish and your outfit will look different.  .. I was happy as a child, when this amazing place was open. I was here a few times, when I attended kindergarten ( good old times haha).  This tropical greenhouse is prefect for shooting photographs.. I am inlove with this building. 

SK| Vo štvrtok sme boli na vinobraní v našej dedinke. Bol to taký najväčší event na konci tohto leta. Počasie bolo naozaj krásne - takže som si mohla obliecť tieto úžasné culottes - super pohodlné, super štýlové !
A pre tento outfit sme museli nájsť to najlepšie miesto ! Tento úžasný skleník, v ktorom som bola naposledy asi ako skôlkarka . To miesto je samo o sebe fotogenické haha..

Top ; Zara //  Culottes ; Mango // Bag ; Zara //  Shoes ; Mango


rgre y_y

JOURNAL | Summer trips

It's a last day of August - my SDcards are full from the beginning of summer holidays and I am recapitulating whole two months trough photographs.
These photos are from first trip in Krahule, where all family members met to celebrate our birthday : 3 cousins celebrate 18th, my brother's 20th, my cousin Kami's 15th and my grandma's  birthday.
It's sounds  like huge party (maybe we has some firework), but it wasn't like that, hah.

my ants and cousin Kami

food my biggest addiction

 Lovely grandma

STYLE | "Clearky"

See the world trough clears frames !
I am totally inlove with these kind of sunglasses. My future plan is to buy some glasses /sorry I am blind, just a little bit hah/.
When I meet my cousin we snatch camera and take some shoots ... hmm why? because we like (love) it.

Shirt dress / WEEKDAY || stripe shirt / Primark


My summer holidays are running to the end, so it is the right time to show you couple outfits, which I wore on my trips trough holidays. This week I'll post one outfit article and after that one more from the trip which will be including photos from places I visited.
My friends and I visited amazing art gallery in Bratislava called Danubiana in July.
I recommended this one because is full of modern art and its amazing building surrounded by the river Danube.
-wearing best/comfy sneakers
-wearing white trousers, because white is basic!
-and simple but still interesting blue shirt.
- and my own designed backpack from amazing LejDiana

STYLE | Abstract Top

 Leto, letné outfity - narastajúcou teplotou zisťujem že môj šatník má deficit letného oblečenia. Keby mám rozdeľovať skriňu na letné a zimné veci, tak v tomto období by som mala šatník takmer prázdny.
Preto moje plány na tieto prázdniny sú:
  • "navštíviť" čo najviac sekáčov
  • nájsť kvalitné levis kraťasy 
  • ušiť/navrhnúť  easy letné topy
  • kúpiť sandálky podla mojich predstáv - takmer (ne)reálne.

Veľa krát ma napadne čo je ľahšie - dať dokopy letný alebo zimný outfit alebo prechodný ? Jasné že na letnom outfite veľa vymýšľať nemusíte stačia aj 3 kúsky oblečenia. Ale možno to niekedy nemám rada - vrstvenie v zime je o to zábavnejšie a zaujímavejšie.

Tento top je asi môj najobľúbenejší (no vlastním 2 croptopy tak sa nečudujme...) Modrá + abstraktný print to mi vyhovuje. Taktiež je z monki kde nájdete len super zaujímave potlače na oblečení = odporúčam keď nechcete nosiť nudné veci.
regerg regegerg egegerg

Tuesday | Yoga routine

 Každý deň je iný, niekedy plný energie, že si jedno cvičenie ešte pridám a inný deň je pravý opak, kedy mám radšej relaxačné cvičenia. Od toho aký mám deň sa odvíja aj to kedy cvičím či je to poobede alebo neskoro v noci. Väčšinou si ten čas nájdem práve pred spaním čo je cca od pol 10 až neskôr..
Keď mám počas dňa motiváciu tak si vyberiem pár yoga cvičení aj poobede po škole. Takže je to na každom kedy má chuť práve na yogu.

Every day is different, sometime is full of energy and you feel that you want add one more yoga exercise. But other day is totally lazy or just you don't see that challenging feeling .And fro these reasons derives time when I practise yoga.I prefer doing yoga at late evening. But sometimes are days when I am too motivated so I practice yoga after school. So it's doesn't matter when you practice, just practise it ! 

For today:

Monday | Yoga Routine

 Monday is day in my YT account when I play this playlist. It's full of yoga exercises, some could be challenging and some are for beginners.
Well, let's get started these 4 videos.

STYLE | Comfy Afternoon

Cítim sa ako "slow motion", ale svet navôkol zostal stále uponáhľaný.  Presne takto mi začal dnešný deň, z tak živého sna sa mi ešte nechcelo zobúdzať, tak som si dala nadčas 5 minút... nachystala som sa do školy, skrášlila mihalnice špirálou (nikam som sa neponáhľala, trvalo mi to aspoň ďalších 5 minút dokiaľ neboli podľa mojich predstáv)  každý ranný moment som si užívala a v kľude prechádzala do ďalšej činnosti.. už bolo 7 hodín (desať min. do odchodu autobusu) začala som si vychutnávať raňajky - nič špeciálne, horúce granko a chleba. Umyť zuby pretože o pár minút mi išiel autobus.. obliecť.. hmm ešte nájsť čipovku a 7:11- odchádzam z domu.. zatváram bránu a autobus vidím na zastávke. Za iných dní/okolností/ minulostí by som už šprintovala, dnes som si len vykračovala - "veď všetko stíham"..  Síce len tak, tak, ale stihla som ho. 

 V škole ma čakali 3 písomky - no síce hlava vyšilovala slovami, (pretože som na dnes vôbec nebola pripravená) vo vnútri so cítila super "calm" . Dnešný deň bol vlastne super..i keď som sa cítila ako homeless človek (pretože to tie moje topánky k tým džínsom..) - viem že k sebe nejdu ale chcela som byť lepšie oblečená ako pobehovať v teniskách (už s boľavým hrdlom) - preto pijem už tretie horúce granko :D.

Tak dnes nosím - sekáčové jeansy | najkrajší pulóver z C&A | hodinky a náhrdelníky z H&M  

I feel that  life in slow motion, but world around me is still in rush... This day started very calm. I got up 5 minutes later than usually, applied  my mascara on (time for it: 5 minutes of perfectly applying..)  After that my breakfast - hot chocolate and some bread.. soo ordinary breakfast menu :D. After breakfast was time to go to bus station it was 7:11 .. "yeah I am late" .. No rush in my mind.. calm walk..but I almost missed that bus..
This "keep calm.." day last all day. I am glad that I start this month really great.  My outfit was comfy vitntage jeans and perfect cosy sweater !

Jeans - second-hand | Sweater - C&A | Watches, Necklaces - H&M 

egegre ergerg

xx -T.

STYLE | Basic Grey

How you can see I'm not fan of  bright or colourful colours..  I prefer basic shades and darker blue and sometimes baby pink or baby blue. This outfit is from yesterday when was perfect spring weather ! I am looking forward to spring season, when these ugly boots will be change to pretty oxford shoes or slip ons.. 



Hands. rhythm. collection

Hands. rhythm. collection

Hands. rhythm. collection
Hello !  Today I want share  this collection of photographs with you. It's called HANDS RHYTHM , For this collection I've made short video, which I'll post on instagram, and there you can find these photographs too (or on my flickr account )

365 days of Yoga Challenge | Week 4

 I thought about my yoga challenge posts last week, that it could be better planned by weeks and not by days. This is my 4th week of yoga and I planned stretch yoga and slim waist exercises for this week

29 - 35 days of Y.CH.

  11 to  17/January/16

Stretch yoga routine
Slim waist yoga

STYLE | Minimalistic wishlist

 My art thoughts look like this, probably. When I found an amazing online shop in that moment I wanted buy everything, but that prices! Too expensive for me. Maybe one day.
Well let's be inspired !

What kind of style you love or wear ?

Tone Your Arms

 In my Yoga challenge posts I wrote about exercise from magazine and today I'll show them!
My favourite magazine called Relax is about healthy lifestyle and there are perfect articles about food, sports..
This article is for tone your arms 
