Hands. rhythm. collection

Hands. rhythm. collection

Hands. rhythm. collection
Hello !  Today I want share  this collection of photographs with you. It's called HANDS RHYTHM , For this collection I've made short video, which I'll post on instagram, and there you can find these photographs too (or on my flickr account )

365 days of Yoga Challenge | Week 4

 I thought about my yoga challenge posts last week, that it could be better planned by weeks and not by days. This is my 4th week of yoga and I planned stretch yoga and slim waist exercises for this week

29 - 35 days of Y.CH.

  11 to  17/January/16

Stretch yoga routine
Slim waist yoga

STYLE | Minimalistic wishlist

 My art thoughts look like this, probably. When I found an amazing online shop in that moment I wanted buy everything, but that prices! Too expensive for me. Maybe one day.
Well let's be inspired !

What kind of style you love or wear ?

Tone Your Arms

 In my Yoga challenge posts I wrote about exercise from magazine and today I'll show them!
My favourite magazine called Relax is about healthy lifestyle and there are perfect articles about food, sports..
This article is for tone your arms 


365 days of Yoga Challenge | day 24 and 25


EN| As you can see this week I am doing totally same exercises. I think it's better when I do one kind of exercise for long time. So my week is more about core building and arms exercises.

SK|Tento týždeň cvičím rovnaké cvičenia. Myslím si, že je to lepšie keď cvičím jeden druh cviku dlhšiu domu a v týždenných alebo dlhších intervaloch to obmieňať. Takže tento týždeň bol zameraný na posilňovanie tela a hlavne aj cviky na ruky.

24th and 25th day of Y.CH.

1 and 2/January/16

Night: exercises from magazine | Core building routine


JOURNAL | Welcome 2016! Read that will make you a better person

Welcome 2016 ! 

New year came with snow to my village - behind my window is snowy countryside and finally now I can feel that winter !. But with a New Year become "my new fresh start" to whole 365 blank pages.. actually 364!

De facto  I meet a new beginning, starting with the new school year. It's such a milestone when I am thinking about new plans.
But for someone is New Year that milestone, where dreams and resolutions want become true.. Ehm ehmhm let's face the truth after few week we totally forget what resolutions we said that we want to accomplish this year. 
  • Stay organized and planned 

    Diaries help me remember things that I have planned. If you If you still didn't have a diary as well because you forget to write into it - Do not Stop! Over time, you learn to write more regularly.

  • How become a better person

    This book is perfect if you don't know what do in your life, how make a good decision and be satisfied with yourself.
    There are encouraging quotes from bible and mini stories on each page.  
If you doubt about yourself, you don't know how to deal with difficult situations in life. This is Perfect book for you !