Každý deň je iný, niekedy plný energie, že si jedno cvičenie ešte pridám a inný deň je pravý opak, kedy mám radšej relaxačné cvičenia. Od toho aký mám deň sa odvíja aj to kedy cvičím či je to poobede alebo neskoro v noci. Väčšinou si ten čas nájdem práve pred spaním čo je cca od pol 10 až neskôr..
Keď mám počas dňa motiváciu tak si vyberiem pár yoga cvičení aj poobede po škole. Takže je to na každom kedy má chuť práve na yogu.
Every day is different, sometime is full of energy and you feel that you want add one more yoga exercise. But other day is totally lazy or just you don't see that challenging feeling .And fro these reasons derives time when I practise yoga.I prefer doing yoga at late evening. But sometimes are days when I am too motivated so I practice yoga after school. So it's doesn't matter when you practice, just practise it !
For today:
Keď mám počas dňa motiváciu tak si vyberiem pár yoga cvičení aj poobede po škole. Takže je to na každom kedy má chuť práve na yogu.
Every day is different, sometime is full of energy and you feel that you want add one more yoga exercise. But other day is totally lazy or just you don't see that challenging feeling .And fro these reasons derives time when I practise yoga.I prefer doing yoga at late evening. But sometimes are days when I am too motivated so I practice yoga after school. So it's doesn't matter when you practice, just practise it !
For today: